[FF] OnRamp Challenge

If you’ve already achieved proficiency in the standard Functional Fitness movements then we are happy to have you come into the gym and complete an OnRamp test. Please make sure you have read and understand everything below, then you may schedule and pay for your OnRamp challenge.

Questions or not sure what to do next?
Email us

How does an OnRamp Challenge work?

The session costs $80 to book which will be transferred to account credit if you pass.

If you’re able to adequately demonstrate all movements (or appropriate modifications) listed below, with minimal to no input from the coach, then you pass! Your Coach will then set you up with a 1 week [FF] free trial membership so you can make sure we’re the right fit. After that, you can utilize your $80 account credit towards a membership: www.rncty.ca/ff

If you need some direction from your coach…

The most common athletes to challenge our OnRamp, are ones who may have plenty of FF/CF experience, but haven’t done it in a few months or years. If that’s the case, and you know that you’ll need a refresh - notify your coach in advance! This way we won’t bother putting you through ‘the test’ and instead maximize the hour and review all the major movements & modifications together. The coach may recommend 1-2 additional review sessions if needed, which you’ll also get at the discounted private training rate of $80 / session.

After the coach deems you’re ready, they’ll set you up with our 1 week [FF] free trial membership.

If you’re not even close…

If during the session the coach deems that you’re not experienced enough to qualify for our 1 week free trial, then they’ll likely recommend you repeat our full OnRamp program, or possibly a shortened variation of it.

Anyone who has 6+ months experience at a legitimate CF or FF facility should have no problem demonstrating what we need to see. If you do ‘something like FF’ but have never been taught proper kipping or olympic lifting technique, we encourage you to try out our [SC] Strength & Conditioning free trial class OR to signup for our OnRamp.


Coach will show you where things are and give you whatever you need to get warmed up (rower, bike, bands, dowel).

After a quick review with a dowel / pvc, we’ll get you to start showing us the basic barbell movements first with an empty barbell, and then a couple sets with a bit of weight on the bar (nothing heavy - just enough to show technique).


Coaches may adjust as they see fit, this is simply a guide;

Hang power clean x 5
Hang squat clean x 5
Power clean x 3-5
Full clean x 3

After a quick empty barbell or dowel review, you will then demonstrate:

Hang power snatch x 5
Overhead squat x 3-5

With the same barbell, loaded or unloaded:

Strict press x 5
Push Press x 5
Push Jerk x 3-5
Split Jerk x3

Deadlift x 8-10

Back Squat x 8-10


Our group class programs utilize a multi scaling system for our workouts:

[ SCALED ] ( RX ) < RX+ >

We do not expect you to be able to ( Rx ) all movements; but we do expect you to know and demo an appropriate modification. If the modification you typically utilize is different than what we do at Raincity don’t worry, we’ll show you the way!


You should know at least one variation of each of the below movements:

  • Kipping Pullups

    • [ Strict banded pullups ]

    • [ Jumping Pullup ]

    • < Chest to Bar >

    • < Bar Muscle Up >

  • Kipping Toes to Bar

    • ( Toes to Ring )

    • [ Foot Above Hip ]

    • [ Strict Leg Raises ]

    • [ V-sits]

  • Handstand Pushup

    • [ Hands Elevated Pushup ]

    • [ Band assisted Pushup ]

    • [ Pushup ]

    • < Deficit Handstand Pushup >

Coach may ask you to demo the movements below, or just confirm what weight / variation you typically utilize:

  • Kettlebell Swing

    • [ Russian Swing ]

    • < Kettlebell Snatch >

  • Wallballs

  • Double Unders

    • [ Single Unders ]

  • Box Jumps

    • ( 24 / 20” )

    • [ 20 / 16” )

    • [ 12 / 8” ]

Schedule Your OnRamp Challenge