Due to COVID-19 restrictions we have been forced to postpone the RICHIE workout indefinitely, instead…
Join Coach Thor for a Raincity Athletics At Home Movemember Marathon!
He’ll be doing a [RAAH] workout every hour on the hour for 5 hours starting at 8AM on Sunday Nov 29th!
WHO? Anyone!
RAAH workouts only require a single dumbbell / kb or weighted object but coach Thor will help you figure out an equipment free version!
WHEN? Workouts will start every hour - 8AM / 9AM / 10AM / 11AM / 12PM
WHAT? Read more about the [RAAH] program here
Thor will also shave a section of beard after every workout leaving a beautiful MO to finish
Take part in the workout & vote on which section goes next!
WHY? To fundraise for Raincity Athletics Movember Team in the name of all the men who have died too young.
HOW? Reserve in Zenplanner (here) to let Coach know you’re going to join him OR just head to www.rncty.ca/zoom at anytime to watch or join in!
COST? By donation!
As part of our Movember fundraising - all proceeds from registration will be donated to our Movember team: https://movember.com/t/raincity
If you'd like to get a donation receipt, please use the 0$ registration option and donate directly via the link above.
You must be an active member to register (log-in to see registration options).
There will be no regular classes this morning!
If you are able to attend with someone in your ‘bubble’ that you can partner with please notify thor@raincityathletics.ca when you register
Scaling options will be reviewed and made available to all [FF] group class athletes!
Partners will work in their own stations, only sharing the ‘workload’ - not equipment!
Please Email thor@raincityathletics.ca if you are planning to attend with a sibling or someone who lives in your household and are able to share a workout square / bar.
AMRAP (with a Partner) in 42 minutes
From 0:00-10:00, establish:
1 rep max Snatch
2 minute Rest
From 12:00-42:00, AMRAP of:
30 Bar Over Burpees
9 Clean-and-Jerks (115/75) | (85/55) | (135/95)
19 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups (kipping) | (jumping ctb) | (ctb)
88 Air Squats
This is a two-part workout. On a 42-minute clock, start by building up to a heavy (1 rep max) Snatch (Power Snatch or Squat Snatch is allowed) before 10:00. Rest until 12:00, then perform as many rounds and repetitions as possible (AMRAP) of the 30 Bar Over Burpees, 9 Clean-and-Jerks, 19 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups, and 88 Air Squats.
Score for the first part is the weight of the heaviest Snatch successfully completed; for the second part is the total number of rounds and repetitions completed.