This program is for those who are looking for a little extra work on their gymnastics skills & take their muscle ups / pull-ups / handstand pushups to the next level.
“When I started with Liz’s gymnastics program I could do one (really ugly) strict pull up, I could not link my toes to bar together to save my life and could not complete the negative portion of a hand stand push up. A few months later, I’ve done a 10 pound weighted strict pull up and am doing sets of non weighted pull ups. I am now able to link 9 toe to bar and have been RX’ing workouts that contain them. My most exciting moment was achieving one kipping handstand push up with just an abmat under my head. ”
Saturday: December 2nd & 16th, January 6th.
Primary Skills worked on: minimum requirements.
Level 3/4 - 12:00 PM
‘Kipping’ & Beat swings: ability to actively hang from the bar for :15s+
Pullup & basic strength development: no minimum requirement
Basic inversions & holds: no minimum requirement
Level 4/5 - 1:00PM
Ring swings & transitions: 5/3 Chest to bar 3/1 ring dips
Strict pulling strength: strict chest to bar pullup
Handstand Pushup & Kipping skill work: controlled HSPU negative
Homework will include: increasing pressing & pulling strength as well as general position & core stability.
3x 1 hour sessions with both coaches
Hands on skill work & practice
‘homework’ review and Q&A
6 sessions of additional skill work via Fitbot
1 session on seminar weeks, 2 sessions on non seminar weeks
Includes review by Coaches
Access to ‘Sport Access’
Allows you to come in and complete your assigned homework outside of typical open gym hours
TOTAL VALUE: $185.00
MEMBER COST: $148.00
Contact with questions.
Please note:
Paying includes attendance to all 3 sessions as scheduled
If you are unable to make all 3 please notify us when you e-mail
If you are unable to make 2/3 we do not recommend registering
If you’re interested in something similar but cannot make scheduled times, contact us for more info on options