We’ve got a program for every age, level, and ability.
The [SC] Strength & Conditioning program brings the barbell to group classes in a safe and effective way. 3 Session Onramp or adequate barbell experience is required.
The [FF] Functional Fitness is our constantly varied high intensity program that includes all the bells and whistles and skills. 6 session onramp or adequate barbell experience is required.
Our OnRamp is 3 & 6 private training sessions OnRamps where we’ll teach you everything you need to know before joining our higher level group class programs.
We also offer private training options for children and families! Contact us for more details.
The [PT] Individualized Programming means workouts written by a coach specifically for you and your goals. Can be standalone or combined with group classes.
[PT] Private Training classes are the fastest way to reach your goals. Discounts available for group class members.

The [SC] Strength & Conditioning program is for 90% of the Vancouverites out there; the jogger, biker, bootcamper, boxer, sea waller, marathoner, hiker, rec sport player and even globo-gym-goer.
It’s perfect for someone looking to get in the gym 2-4x / week who doesn’t want to do the high skill gymnastics or Olympic lifts.
Includes everything from the [FB] program plus
Strength includes: Powerlifting & barbell strength work (squat, deadlift, press, etc)
Strength does NOT include: Olympic lifting or high skill gymnastics
Workouts include: Mixed modal conditioning pieces utilizing kettlebells, dumbbells, plyo boxes, medicine balls, rings, pullup bars and more
Workouts do not include: barbells or high skill gymnastics
On Mondays & Fridays
A structured strength component focusing on the powerlifts (squat, deadlift, press) and accessory work
A mixed modal conditioning piece that does NOT utilize a barbell
May include a cooldown or mobility piece
On Wednesdays
Expect to move in different ways! We love to integrate programming from programs like ‘Knees over toes guy’, Marcus Filly ‘Functional bodybuilding’ and more.
On Saturdays
A ~20-30 minute long mixed modal sweat fest utilizing kettlebells, dumbbells and more.
Workout options always include both dumbbell or barbell variations to ensure all levels can safely get their sweat on
May includes an additional cool-down and accessory or mobility work
7 Days/week
90 minute blocks during peak times & 120 minute blocks during off-peak times
Can be utilized to do your own thing OR to make up a missed workout
Does NOT include unattended facility access times as those are limited to [FF] memberships only.
Contact us if you have questions about the [SC] program.
If you are ready to join Raincity Athletics, take the next steps to get started.

Our [FF] Functional Fitness program is our top level group class, designed for those hitting the gym more than 3-4 days per week and wanting to master the higher skill Functional Fitness movements.
The [FF] program includes everything from the [SC] program, as well as the Olympic lifts (clean & jerk/snatch) as well as high skill gymnastics like kipping pullups, toes to bar, muscle ups, and rope climbs.
Classes are constantly varied with medium to high-intensity workouts that range from 2-42 minutes long. The classes may include a strength/skill portion with the Olympic lifts, or high skill gymnastics, or they might just be one long workout!
Athletes are required to have 6+ months of Crossfit or Funcional Fitness experience OR complete our 6 session [FF] OnRamp.
Includes everything from the [SC] program plus
Strength includes: Olympic lifts: snatch, clean, split jerk
Skills include: High skill gymnastics like toes to bar, rope climbs, muscle ups, handstands
Workouts include: Huge variety in duration, intensity, and type
On Tuesdays & Thursdays
Follows 4-8 week cycles focusing on progression in high skill barbell or gymnastics work
Class format varies and may or may not include a strength / skill components or just be longer conditioning pieces
Barbells are included in the mixed modal conditioning work
Includes high skill gymnastics and barbell in both strength / skill and conditioning portion
On Saturdays & Holidays
No strength component, just big long sweaty chipper style or interval-based workouts including a wide variety of all movements, skills, and equipment
On Saturdays
90 minute throwdown class hitting all the high skill high volume movements
Minimum 12 months & 3 days / week consistent attendance to be eligible
[FF] Olympic Lifting
On Thursdays & Sundays
60 minutes focusing exlusively on the barbell & the olympic lifts: cleans, snatches, and jerks
Great for athletes of every level looking to spend more time on their weightlifting technique
Open to all [FF] athletes
Contact us if you have questions about the [FF] program.
If you are ready to join Raincity Athletics, take the next steps to get started.

[SC] & [FF]
Our OnRamp programs are for new athletes joining RainCity Athletics. The programs are there to ensure athletes are comfortable with all movements required to join our [SC] and [FF] programs. These sessions are done one on one (or 2 on 1 with a friend for 15% off) to ensure you get all the attention needed. Our coaches will work with you to find the appropriate levels and loads of movements we commonly perform in our group class programs.
Our [SC] OnRamp is 3 private training sessions that are perfect for those new to the barbell movements or those who may be looking to touch up while getting back into their fitness routine.
On the barbell
Back Squat
Front Squat
Deadlift (conventional & sumo)
Strict Press & Push Press
Bench Press
Mixed modal & gymnastics
Kettlebell Swings (russian & american)
Dumbbell Snatch
Skipping (single and double unders)
Strict Pullups (foot assisted / banded / strict)
Pushups (hands elevated / banded)
Box jumps
Burpees of all varieties
Our [FF] OnRamp can be purchased as a single 6 session OnRamp (which includes the [SC] OnRamp) or as a standalone 3 session upgrade after an athlete has adequate barbell experience.
On the barbell
Clean (hang / power / squat)
Snatch (hang / power / squat)
Jerk (push / split)
Mixed modal & gymnastics
Kipping / beat swings
Kipping pullups
Toes to ring / bar
Handstand pushups / holds
Contact us if you have questions about the OnRamp program.
If you are ready to join Raincity Athletics, take the next steps to get started.

Private and semi private training will always be the fastest ways to reach your goals!
It allows our coaches to tailor the sessions specificially to what you or your group need. We traing kids to adults of all ages, levels and abilities including familiy training sessions, team training, sport specific, and everything in between.
Kids, Families and Teen Training
Our team works with kids of all ages with options for 30 / 45 / 60 minute sessions
We also do private and small group family training tailored to you and your families needs
1 on 1 Private Training
1/5/10 session packages can be paid in bulk or monthly
Schedule an ongoing time with your coach to get the best rates
Contact us for coach availability and details
Group Class Combos
Get heavily discounted private training when combined with a group class membership
The best mix of the camaraderie of a group class, with the results of private training
Small Group / Corporate Training
Bring a friend and get discounted private training sessions OR your own private group class
Contact us for pricing, details, and availability
Contact us if you have questions about the [PT] program.
If you are ready to join Raincity Athletics, take the next steps to get started.

We offer individualized programming options for athletes who are working around injuries, or towards specific goals.
Our programming addon memberships must be paired with one of our monthly group class memberships to give you the best of both worlds; a few days of workouts written specifically for you and your goals, combined with a few days/week of your choice of our group class workouts.
Our full time individualized programming option is for those who may be working towards elite-level competition, or with such severe movement restrictions or injuries that none of our group class programs are a viable option for them.
Please note: individualized programming memberships availability may vary based on coach availability.
All addon programming memberships MUST be combined with a monthly group class membership and include additional gym drop-ins to allow athletes to utilize Open Gym to complete their proscribed program from their coach.
The part time addon includes 1-2 days/week of individualized programming as well as an additional 8 days of gym access/month on top of your existing group class membership.
It’s a great option for those who are looking to fine tune some skills or weaknesses while still primarily attending one of our group class programs.
The full time addon includes 2-3 days/week of individualized programming, as well as an additional 12 days of gym access/month on top of your existing group class memberships.
It’s a great option for those with specific high-performance goals or recovering from or working around major injuries.
We offer our full time programming only option for athletes with high performance goals who are heading into their final weeks/months of preparation before an event, OR for athletes recovering from major injuries, who are unable to attend any form of our group class programs.
Contact us if you have questions about the [PT] program.
If you are ready to join Raincity Athletics, take the next steps to get started.