Pistol & DU Skill Development

– 3-5min Skipping Practice – Play around with it/get a feel for the rope (singles, doubles, 1 foot…

– 10 Samson Lunges
– 10 Rolling ‘Pistols’ *start with 2-feet, progress to 1-foot if capable
– 10/side Ankle Circles
– 10 Wall Angels
– Banded Ankle Distraction ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8PIKcglsb28 )

1. ‘Strength/Movement Pattern
– 2 x 5/side Kneeling ‘Step-Ups’ ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tXDyWBqHGvM )
– 2 x 5/side ‘Pistol to Bench’ ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_yZTviA8F3s )

2. Assisted Pistols
– ‘2 x 5/side Pistol Holding onto Rig, Ring or Band ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ahds8LyneoI )
– ‘2 x 5 Pistol’ Sitting into band (use discretion based on ability/coordination) ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fAcOtNFm5Rs )

3. Modified Pistols
– 2 x 5/side Heel elevated Pistol
– Pistol w. Counterbalance (10-15lbs held out in front)

4. Pistols
– Unassisted/Unmodified Pistols (both sides)
– Alternating Pistols

Double Unders Key Points of Performance review
– keep the arms in close/slightly in front of the body!
– use the wrists to spin the wrist
– Nice & Tight, keep body hollow (brace abs)

Singles (get the rhythm, keep body position!)

3 x Singles + 1 x “Power Jump” (i.e. higher jump, dont break form)
3 x Singles + 1 x Double Under (keep form)
Small Sets of DU (2-3 reps, don’t break form)

Larger DU Sets (stop when technique falls apart)

Doubles under with no “single skips” to “buy in”