Welcome to Raincity 3.0
There’s been a lot going on behind the scenes over the last few months in preperation for things launching next week! This post will be a breakdown of all the updates (remember, they’re not ‘changes’, they’re ‘improvements’) that are finally launching this week.
For the prior news updates on the changes (and reasons why, as well as why there were so many delays), you can check out the news blog posts here and then here.
Some fine tuning still in progress (so contact Thor if you notice any errors) but we’re pretty excited about it! Take a look around you’ll see lots of familiar faces :)
-> How to join
-> Programs
-> Pricing / Memberships
Events Page: www.rncty.events
RAthletes News: www.rncty.news
Our new [FB] Functional Body program is our entry level mobility & stability program for those looking to add injury prevention and longevity in their training.
The [FB] program will be available via Zenplanner workouts tab, and the [FF] & [SC] programs will get transitioned (to ZP) in the coming weeks.
With 4 different group programs available to ALL our group class athletes, you can pick which programs to follow based on your goals and ability! We recommend joining in the group classes as much as possible, but we expect a lot of athletes to follow the [FB] Functional Body and [FF] Olympic Lifting programs on their own time during open gym as well.
[FB] Functional Body PROGRAM
Workouts are available via Zenplanner (click 3 buttons / profile top left > workouts). For those following the program NOT in a group class, join the #athletes-fb channel & tag @coach with questions!
Tuesdays & Thursdays: full body workouts based on stability mobility & core
Fridays: Conditioning intervals following 4 week blocks & mobility
Sundays: Bodybuilding style strength with a mixed modal conditioning piece
[FF] Olympic Lifting Program
Will continue to be 2 days / week posted on Thursdays & Sundays. The Friday AM class will complete the Thursday programming. Join the #athletes-barbell channel and tag @coach for questions or anything you need to know for each block :)
NEW: Unattended Access (details below)
-> [FB] Conditioning on Fridays is now 60 minutes
-> [FF] Olympic Lifting class added Fridays @ 7:00AM
-> [FF] Throwdown class Sat 8:30AM
-> [FF] Comp Prep class Mondays @ 6:00PM
Unattended Access
We have updated our insurance to allow athletes to train even if a coach isn’t present! This is NOT to allow 24/7 access to the facility, but so that during odd times during the day when coaches are in and out, OR during the first/last block of the day when clients like to show up extra early or hang around a bit after class - we can now allow that :)
We have given keys to select athletes who are regulars at certain times of days (ie morning, midday, and evening) who are typically hanging around. If a coach is ever leaving you at the gym, they will clarify any instructions (ie just make sure the door locks behind you, or make sure to listen to whatever key person is left there / in charge).
[FF] Throwdown Class Saturdays @ 8:30AM
Come join coach KatieN for a Saturday morning ‘throwdown’ every week! This class is open to all athletes with at least 6 months [FF] group class experience as the weights will be heavy and the volume will be high! We’ll always have scaling options available, but make sure you’re ready (mentally and physically) before jumping into this one!
[FF] Comp Prep Class
The Monday night is for athletes who can ‘Rx’ all the [FF] group class movements as we’ll be focusing on progressing through higher level skills at higher volume like muscle ups, handstand walks, and more.
Pre major competitions (like Canwest games), this class will open up to all athletes registered for the upcoming event.
-> Memberships now apply to ALL group class programs
-> Now classes per month instead of per week
-> New individualized programming membership options
Coming soon: heavily discounted private training options for group class members!
membershipS NOW APPLY TO ALL group class programs
The [FB] Functional Body, [SC] Strength & Conditioning and [FF] Functional Fitness programs will all utilize the same memberships, contracts, and options - but we (on the back end) will adjust that membership to allow you access to the programs & classes you are approved/trained for (based on OnRamp completion or prior training experience).
If you purchase a new punch card/membership - please email info@raincityathletics.ca to ensure the classes are enabled for you (just in case).
All memberships ARE now sessions / MONTH instead of / WEEK
Your ‘month’ will re-set based on your billing date - so if your membership begins on the 15th, you will have 8 (casual), 12 (part time) or 24 (full time) sessions available from the 15th to the 15th of the next month.
Programming & Addon memberships UPDATES
With our new focus being back on our popular group classes, we’ve made some adjustments to our programming memberships, addon combos, and options. These will only apply to NEW memberships - but if you’re currently on programming and want to switch to one of the new addon options don’t hesitate to reach out.
Stay tuned for details - but we want everyone to be able to afford to reap the benefits of 1-2 private training sessions/month (or week?) with a coach to help maximize your group class gains!…
NEW OnRamp options to make it easier than ever to join our more advanced group class programs.
-> 3 Session OnRamp to [SC]
-> 3 Session OnRamp UPGRADE to [FF]
We’re making our group classes more accessible than ever! With the new schedule switch to having [SC] Group Classes Monday / Wednesday, athletes can now attend those classes if they complete a 3 session [SC] OnRamp OR demonstrate adequate barbell & training experience.
The 3 session [SC] OnRamp is also a great option for current [SC] athletes who never completed an OnRamp and are looking for a review before joining the [SC] Group Classes on the Annex side this week.
These updates will be reflected in our FAQ in the coming days/weeks, thank you for your patience - but here’s what you need to know:
Workout transition back to Zenplanner
Over the coming weeks we will be transitioning ALL our group class programs back to Zenplanner for workout logging. This will allow us to check your results & scores from our TV / faceboard, including allowing you to enter your scores (without having to use your phone).
We are in the process of exporting results from SugarWOD into Zenplanner - stay tuned for details. We will be fully transitioning to Zenplanner in the next 2 weeks. You will continue to have access to SugarWOD even after Raincity stops utilizing it.
You will now only be charged if you no-show for a FULLY BOOKED CLASS. Reservations & cancellation windows remain the same (4 days to book and up to 2 hours to cancel).
If you miss a class and it was not full, simply reply to the automated email 1 hour after class letting us know and we will return it to your account :)
Please note: If you know you are unable to make a class (and it’s not full) there is no point in contacting us, your ‘punishment’ for late cancelling is that you will have to wait until after the class (reply to the automated email) to get your class back & re-book. If you cannot make it and the class IS full - we recommend posting that in slack in hopes that someone can fill your spot for you so you don’t get charged :)