The Return to Training - Coach Liz
Coach Liz talks about why we’re taking a slow phased approach to our re-opening!
As always our focus is to keep our community safe and healthy, and not just from COVID-19.

Why Raincity Athletics is no longer a CrossFit® Affiliate
In September of 2019 Raincity Athletics has officially dropped it’s CrossFit® Affiliation, right after putting 4 coaches through their CrossFit Level 2 Certificate course - find out why.

The 'Why' of our Group Class Training Programming
Program Director Liz Carrier explains why Raincity Athletics doesn’t follow the ‘constantly varied, functional movements, performed at high intensity’ prescription for programming.

The 'How' of our Group Class Training Programming
We're proud of the method of group class programming that we have developed to ensure our [FF] Group Class Program is tailored to the needs of our athletes, while simultaneously guaranteeing safety alongside the best results for the least effort.

Raincity Athletics at the CrossFit Games West Regionals - Recap
Raincity Barbell & Competition Coach Liz Carrier talks about our 3 incredible individual women who competed at the CrossFit Games West Regional 2017.